Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Cold Evening on the Emerald Coast

It got chilly last night. The coldest it has been since I've been down here. It was so cold that one of the Pelicans which inhabit the dock where I am moored had his bill freeze shut. I of course was able to free the poor bird from his dilemna by giving him a sip of anti-freeze. Later he died but that will be one less airborne invader dropping bombs on my boat Did you really think I could get a pelican to drink anti-freeze? I hope not.

A space between paragraphs for the attorney in Baltimore. I hope this meets with his grammatical critique of the presentation.

Yesterday I continued to look for employment in the fast food or convenience store industry and will wait by the phone for a call. The school districts down here have a glut of substitutes so that avenue is probably closed. Today I'm going to focus on utilizing the truck and trailer for some type of hauling or delivery type of job. You never know where opportunity is going to knock. The pay for that might be better also.

Last night I encountered a den of pirates from the middle east who had kidnapped a beautiful South Pacific Princess. It was with a great deal of cunning and sailing expertise that I was able to come along the lee side of their vessel and quietly rescue the princess. She was so grateful that she insisted on sharing my doublesized sleeping bag. That certainly made for a much warmer evening. Her father is contemplating how to reward me financially for my act of heroism. Wow! I think that was a dream.

Well back to reality! I didn't watch or listen to any of the inaugural crap on TV or Radio. It's time for the Messiah to get his ass to work and come across with all of the promises that he and Oprah have made to us over the last two years. I hope that he can get something done. The cards are stacked in favor: Democrat in the White House, Democratically controlled House and Senate, great? leadership in both the house and senate in Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. How could he fail? Crank up the printing press Treasury Dept. It's going to take a lot time to print all of the currency we'll need to create a trillion dollar a year deficit. Don't be concerned about the value of the dollar internationally. Just print money. Give everyone a new GM, Ford, or Chrysler, it's time to start paying back the unions for all of their support over the last two years. Hell, while we're at it let's just let everyone forget about paying their mortgages. We're just going to wipe the slate clean and start all over again. Capitalism sucks. Let's get a great health care system for everyone; just like the UK or Canada. Damn, we must be living in some type of Utopia! Any bets on how long it will be before our new president shows up on OPRAH? It will probably be a surprise visit around Valentine's Day. Man, it sure feels good to get that off of my chest! GO GET 'EM BARRACK!

More tomorrow, something tells me that I might get a comment or two on this posting.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to ignore the political nonsense and get to the the most interesting part of the post: the princess. Very vivid imagination you have. I assume you mean someone like this:
