Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Long Trying Weekend

The libray has been either closed or I was busy trying to get things in order around the boat so have been unable to get here to post for 3 days.
Since the last post I have been stopped by the Ft. Walton Beach police on two occasions. It seems that the local constabulary do not acknowledge the laws of the state of Missouri. Missouri states that for a vehicle like mine you receive one plate and it is to be displayed on the front of your truck. You are not allowed to even purchase an additional plate for the back as I have done in the past. The local coppers make a habit of hassling tourists for whatever reason. After the second event I moved the plate to the back of the truck. The officer expressed that it was a big inconvenience for him; I think it was keeping him from another Krispy Kreme, this assumption being made from my observation of his ample girth.
The temperature here has been what the locals call unseasonably cold and windy. Yesterday two kids off school for MLK day had taken their dad's $100,000 fishing boat out to do some deep sea fishing, the wind was blowing 20-35mph for most of the day. There is a dangerous pass between the Gulf and Chocthachee Bay at the Destin Bridge and evidently the young men got broad sided by a big wave hit a jetty and then capsized the boat. The Coast Guard is only about a mile away and made a quick rescue. I wonder what it must have been like to tell good ole dad that you sunk the boat.
I watched the NFL Championship games Sunday at a local watering hole called "Helen Back". Would have like to have seen Baltimore win but they were outplayed. Arizona is a long shot but I would have a tough time betting against Kurt Warner.
Due to issues beyond their control, Phil and Courtney had to close two of the Chicken stores when they returned from England. This displaced 24 workers all of whom they are trying to place at some of the other restaurants they own in the area. Given that, I started looking for gainful employment yesterday and will continue on that course today. Schools and public offices were closed yesterday so that limited my search. I will continue to get out there today.
Have been listening to a book on CD which Johanna and Russ got me for Christmas, and that has really improved my sleeping. I don't get distracted by all of the other things going on down here, just listen to the book and find myself waking up the next morning around 6:30 at first light.
Well that is it from here for now, must go find a job. Talk to you tomorrow.

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