Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Mast is Up

After only a week we have got the mast raised on the boat, and will finish a few small tasks today completeing what needs to be done to see if this lovely lady is ready for a sail.
The last couple of days have been kind of slow due to a near case of pneumonia. I loaded myself up with orange juice, chicken noodle soup, Nyquil, and anything else I could think of and feel that the worst of it is over. I'm not a 100% yet but am getting closer.
Plan on placing a small ad in the local paper for the bounce houses today, and going to a few of the local businesses to see if there are any employment opportunities out there. I need to get a job so that I can get into a little more of a routine, this working on the boat all of the time costs a lot of money. Anything that has the name marine associated with it automatically doubles in price.
I have a bit of electrical work to take care of this morning and if it warms up into the mid-50s I will probably take her out for her maiden voyage under new ownership. All of the work that we've done over the last two months has really transformed the way she looks. The sails are in really great condition and the roller furling systems seems to work well. I will pickup a boy scout compass at K-mart for navigation, the one that is on the boat is so cloudy that you can't read it. The scout compass will work just fine. I also have to pickup a VHF radio for communicating with the marina and other vessels on the water.
The weather here was not as cold as it was supposed to be. Predictions for last night said high 20s, but when I got up this morning it was 42. I think that the water doesn't allow it to drop as low as the surrounding land masses in the marina area.
I've been doing a lot of reading, the radio I have is full of static, and I don't have a tv so I read and eat chicken noodle soup. All things considered I'm still enjoying it very much.
Hopefully tomorrow's entry will have some details on the maiden voyage. Bon Voyage.


  1. I don't believe we've heard what the name of the Boat is at this point. Isn't it bad luck to sail on a boat without its name? Or is that just a cheesy line from Forest Gump?

  2. Are you just too lazy to figure out how to put a space between paragraphs or do I need to teach you how? Either way, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, wind in your sails. Love, Russell.
