Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here it is Tuesday morning and with any luck I should be stepping the mast this afternoon. All of the electrical is in place, the motor is ready to go, and I think that I am ready to take her out for a sail. The guys at the marina are going to help me with the mast today, they are very helpful.
Yesterday I picked up the motor and tried to go to the VA hospital in Pensacola but to no avail. They told me to call Harry Truman in Columbia and get them to forward a prescription to the marina. No big deal I still have a two week supply of the pills.
I've found it difficult adjusting to sleeping on the water. It has been a while since I've spent this much time on the water and the adjustment has not been as quick as I thought it might be. I have a cold which isn't helping things, but fortunately with the average of the population down here be 70+ there is a drugstore on about every corner. A little generic Nyquil and I'll be fine.
I probably won't be working now until next week at the earliest. Some complications when Phil and Courtney had to close two stores. This sets everything back for at least week. There is work here though so if working for them doesn't pan out, I'll try my hand at whatever is available. I've always wondered what life as a male escort might be like.
I hope to have some pictures to post within the next couple of days of the boat in the water, which might enhance the material I'm able to send.
Talk to you tomorrow after a successful sail.

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